Ctivo not removing commercials
Ctivo not removing commercials

ctivo not removing commercials
  1. #Ctivo not removing commercials plus#
  2. #Ctivo not removing commercials series#
  3. #Ctivo not removing commercials tv#

I use The Renamer to switch to series.S#E#.episodename - Kodi likes this better.

ctivo not removing commercials

#Ctivo not removing commercials series#

This is a rare occurrence for me.Īre you saying that all recordings you make are like this? For me the out of the box setup gave me recordings named: Series S#E# episodename.ts (I don't even think that format is changeable). So you get an identifiable recording, You know what program/move you recorded just not which episode. I have seen this on occasion when - for whatever reason the - the Schedules Direct data is unavailable or generic. In short, I haven't found a good way to integrate MCEBuddy with Emby yet. There is a settings option in Emby called "Download internet metadata for programs listed in the guide" but indicated this only works on movies (i.e. I don't know enough about these containers to understand what is contained therein, but it seems clear that NextPVR has metadata embedded in its TS recording that MCEBuddy is able to extract. I'm confused as to why, since the NPVR file is named "The Big Bang Theory_20170427_20002031.ts" which is even less info.īesides being messy, this tends to confuse the Emby viewer, which doesn't recognize the video as The Big Bang Theory in any form or fashion. Since the Emby recording was named "The Big Bang Theory - The Cognition Regeneration.ts" it's clear MCEBuddy was unable to find any metadata - and the log files confirm this. The Big Bang Theory - The Cognition Regeneration\The Big Bang Theory - The Cognition Regeneration-SE-.mp4 The exact same settings return the following from the Emby recording: The Big Bang Theory\The Big Bang Theory-S10E22-The Cognition Regeneration.mp4 With the NextPVR recording MCEBuddy was able to pull season, episode, and name as follows, based upon the algorithm " %showname%\%showname%-S%season%#E%episode%#-%episodename%" When I've tried to port my MCEBuddy experience over to Emby, however, I've had mixed results.

#Ctivo not removing commercials plus#

Plus Emby has a new Roku beta channel that looks great, and Roku is what I use to serve media to all my TVs.

#Ctivo not removing commercials tv#

I recently discovered Emby/MB3 now has integrated Live TV and the ability to act as a PVR, and like its slick interface and smooth playback. I've been using MCEBuddy 2.3 with NextPVR for a long time, recording from an HDHomeRun Prime tuner, and it works wonderfully. Plus it direct plays my wtv files which emby still cant do consistently yet. It will auto skip commercials if you have the edl files and you can always go back if it skips incorrectly. You can also get the same results as DVRMStoolbox via kodi on android. There are scene sources out there for anything I want to keep and those guys are a million times better than any of us at getting great quality with minimum file size. I don't bother with conversions because all my recordings are temporary. Comskip works 80 to 90% of the time and in the odd instances it doesn't you can just turn the skip off. So if you saw any major differences between the two it would be entirely down to the settings that were being used.ĭvrmstoolbox is the best solution! Nothing to fiddle with or do manually. This way Kodi will bypass the commercials but if Commskip messed up I can just rewind as the video is still all there.ĭvrmstoolbox used to use either commskip or showanalyzer, the same as MCEBuddy. I have MCEBuddy exporting an edl file and leaving the video untouched. You can also set it to leave it in the source format with no compression. MCEBuddy just uses ffmpeg to do conversion, it all comes down to what settings you were using. I stand by my mcebuddy is rubbish statement The other issue I had with mcebuddy was the converted videos looked absolutely awful. This was a much more satisfactory solution as you could choose to ignore the marks. I used to use babgvants dvrmstoolbox which marked commercials rather than cutting them. It's incredibly easy to use skip to pass by them without using something like mcebuddy where you risk part of your program being cut. Advert breaks in the UK are standard 4 mins long.

Ctivo not removing commercials